Hello All,
So, I decided to start a blog. I'm not sure if anyone will read it, but I though it was a great way to stay in touch.
As you all know I have just been diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Nephritis. I won't get into the details, as a lot of you have the internet
(http://tinyurl.com/2afpxxu) or me to ask! I really want this blog to be about my journey and my experiences; not just boring medical information.
Okay, so we will start with my brief Lupus update:Today was my first day of chemotherapy/cytoxan
(http://tinyurl.com/2ej7l8b) treatment. A lot of folks were surprised that I needed this sort of "cancer" treatment. Chemotherapy is used for many different diseases, particulary I need it for my kidney failure. It went well. I felt pretty exhausted and out of it. But all together-just fine. Next, I am recieving what's called "Lupron", it's a shot. I get to start a temporary Menopause! Yeah! :) This temporary menopause will protect my ovaries during my cytoxan treatment. Yes Yes, this means no periods (awesome!), hot flashes, and hormonal craziness! I will be doing hormonal replacement next year. It feels weird. But all of this will keep my ol' ovaries safe and able to get pregnant in the near future.
Now, exciting stuff! Matt(my love) and I will be embarking on our Costa Rica Adventure approximately 3am August 1st 2010. I have not had a real vacation in years. I have been sick for every vacation time since August of last year. I cannot explain how much I am looking forward to the sweet release of the stress and just love my environment. No law school, no phones, no computers, no Toledo! The last time I really felt this release was with Marita in our Eastern Europe Adventures.
Well, I do not want my first blog to be forever long. I will be adding photos, a better background real soon. Please feel free to make suggestions, comment. I am sending you this link because I care about you. I care what you have say. I hope it will give some an opportunity to re-connect.
Till then!