I am starting to wonder if my luck is going to run out. I start back at school on Monday. I have five courses, co-vp of an organization, and I hope to land an internship. Plus, my sessions every two weeks during this semester. Please oh Please, I hope I make it! I am dreaming that one day this will be a faint memory and I will be laughing around the table with friends over wine and dinner, "Remember that time..?" kind of thing.
On a cheery note, I bought a sewing machine at the Old West End Festival this summer. So far, I have hemmed up a dress (if that is what you call it) and I made something! I had been scouring the internet for a hip pill container to no avail. So, I made a holder of sorts. I love to use old yarn for things and find fabric at goodwill. This is what I managed.

I love being crafty, but I am not really the most talented. But, it is really fun! Hope everyone is enjoying the last tidbits of their summer, bring on the Fall!