**For Fun and Some Passion while reading, Play the Chevala Vargas You Tube video below this post before going on****
I have finished my time with Chemotherapy. I still have to head to Ann Arbor for treatments, but they will no longer consist of the Cytoxan. I should feel relieved and accomplished. But that feeling has yet to come.
I am enjoying the weeks free of the debilitating (such an extreme word! I didn't know how else to frame it) side effects of the Cytoxan. I am still feeling the loveliness of the Lupron (menopause). I have recently acquired a little more facial hair then I would like! I know that is a lot to share and all. But I feel like sharing the whole truth. My body is different from week to week. Some effects go and some take their place.
I am starting to feel really behind in school from the days of Cytoxan. I wrote earlier about my luck running out, I am feeling that time might be soon.I had to drop my internship due to feeling so behind. For those not familiar with law school, we only have one test per class at the end. So, you never really know exactly how you are progressing. It is based on feelings and feedback from professors. Lots and Lots of studying. I am not sure how I am going to live my life around feeling so brain dead at times, but I will learn, and you will all be the first to know how I figure it all out!
Well, I am off to bury myself in my books.
Mia G.
I am sure you'll do fine in school. You just have to study your arse off. I have faith in you. (I feel weird saying that cuz I don't really believe in organized religion).